I'd almost forgotton about this until I had a browse of pistonheads earlier.I'm guessing most of us here dislike people sitting in the middle lane when the first lane is free and clear for a significant distance infront of them, and cause more congestion by doing 50 in conditions where 70 is perfectly safe? Well, version 2 has arrived. And they are even more irritating, even more numptyish, and even more dangerous.
Lane 3.
No traffic on the innermost lanes. At all.
Honestly, where did these people pass their driving test?
I resisted the urge to undertake (unlike many of the people behind me) and sat 2 seconds behind them (only a fool breaks the two second rule said outloud as a measure) but they continued this way for what must have been a good couple of miles. Eventually moved up behind them and gave them a single flash of my lights and they moved over to the middle lane. I did check my mirrors to see if anyone was planning to undertake, more than they did when they moved back into the middle lane.
Lane 1 still free and clear.
Welcome to numpty ridden britain