Hi Guys, I thought I'd ask this question here, before I sign-up on a specific car forum.
I have a little low petrol run around - Peugeot 106 Look 2 (97?)
I recently had a silly prang where I've done in the driver door completely :-\
I don't want to spend much money on it sorting it out - door is lockable etc, window doesn't wind down, but who cares, the strip completely snapped off the door as well, leaving the clips in the door - body work was the only thing this car had going for it!
Rather than getting the door banged out and sprayed, I was thinking just buying a replacement door, but It's proving hard for me to find the same colour.
Colour which is this "peugeot blaze yellow" - I seen a 106 GTI door going, same colour, I just wondered if those shells / doors would be the same? If it was year dependant etc...
any help or ideas would be much appreciated.