How many people hate waking up and having to drag themselves out of bed to goto work? Me for one...........
But it makes it all worth while when ya jump in the car and have a nice drive to work.......... Overtaking buses full of people going to work.
How boring must it be to actually goto work on a bus....... it makes us think how lucky we are to own a car and have such a pleasure to drive these wonderful vehicles.
When you arrive at work, you are hyped up that you dont mind that you have to sit at work for the next 8 hours.... because you know.... that in 8 hours time, you are going to have the exact same journey, but in reverse
Everybody calls rush hour traffic, but personally I think its great, if you know the area very well.... It means you can take shortcuts (which are usually longer) through housing estates but it means you are driving....... and not sitting in boring traffic jams tapping your fingers to the latest cheesy pop single that is on the radio station.
Only another 7 hours and 15 minutes until the rat race starts again