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Thread: Sudden dislike for children...

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    wol is offline
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    Sudden dislike for children...

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    I dont have a dislike for children, I have a dislike for the fact there not taught road safety anymore and are IMO being used as pawns by the government in there race to get more cameras put up so they can strangle more money out of motorists...

    And b4 anyone goes off about my driving, you can cram it up your arse, I agree with 20 Zones and stuff outside schools and even tho I know my car does well over 130Mph I dont drive illegally in built up areas n the likes...
    Just cos I can go fast doesnt mean I do go fast...

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    i don't believe it!

  4. #4
    Boooooom Barakka's Avatar
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    Originally posted by [GSV]Trig
    I dont have a dislike for children, I have a dislike for the fact there not taught road safety anymore...
    Not only by schools and the government but also by their parents. Every day I see adults crossing the road with children and they're stood in the middle of a busy main road in rush hour, usually no more than 200yards from a crossing.....
    and I do dislike children

  5. #5
    Will work for beer... nichomach's Avatar
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    I'm with Trig on this, sorry, but I have had so many kids dash out in front of my car it'd be a joke if it wasn't terrifying when it happens. I agree with 20 zones near schools. I agree with providing more and safer places to cross. What difference will it make though when children still run across the road within 20 yards of a pedestrian crossing? I blame parents heavily for this.
    Just yesterday I was driving in the centre of Preston. I'm in the left hand lane, there's a large white van to my right as we're stopped at a set of lights. The lights go green, and I'm pulling away as from in front of the van (i.e. completely obscured by the van from view) steps some silly cow pushing a pram in front of her and dragging a couple of kids right in front of me. The lights must already have been changing when she started to cross, since they were green when I started to move, yet she didn't let that deter her. I'm fairly cautious when my vision is obscured in any direction and I braked fast and hard; if either of these were not true there'd have been at least a couple of people severely injured. Exactly what lesson are those kids going to pick up about road safety?

  6. #6
    Paranoid??? Who Me???
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    Originally posted by Barakka
    and I do dislike children
    just not as much as your missus eh??

    Originally posted by [GSV]Trig
    I dont have a dislike for children, I have a dislike for the fact there not taught road safety anymore and are IMO being used as pawns by the government in there race to get more cameras put up so they can strangle more money out of motorists...
    couldnt agree more with this Trig..

  7. #7
    Boooooom Barakka's Avatar
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    Originally posted by kaillum
    just not as much as your missus eh??
    She doesn't just dislike them - she eats them
    Originally posted by nichomach
    ...some silly cow pushing a pram in front of her...
    Why Why Why do women push prams out into the road assuming you'll stop, great, so if you don't then you hit the pram... did they buy their brains at a jumble sale or something....

  8. #8
    TiG is offline
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    I have no problem with speed restrictions and stack loads of speed cameras in 30mph zones, this is where they should ensure speed is watched. However i personally believe that outside of towns and cities should be increased and policed much less.

    -- Hexus Meets Rock! --

  9. #9
    HEXUS.timelord. Zak33's Avatar
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    I'm gonna shatter the money myth......cameras are not for money anymore....they are in a round-about way, cos it means they can buy MORE cameras with the funds....

    No...its deeper than that.

    Politicians want people to VOTE for them.
    They go with "Popular Opinion"
    Popular Opinion is often not what Normal People want (ie 90% of us)....its normaly what the Loudest Community Members Councillors, Local Community Leaders etc. While WE are BUSY at work, and then living with our familys, THESE people have big spoons to STIR with

    On the whole, those people want to get their own way......

    and on the whole, they drive Volvos (not you 5lab) have big beards, avidly defend old Apple Macs and smell of wee.....

    and it all goes round in circles....

    Tel ya what....go to one of the following and try to remain calm or quiet for more than 3 minutes:

    A: A Parent Teachers Assosciation Meeting.
    B: A local council meeting
    C: A Local Parish meeting.
    D: Any Community Centre with a Bring and Buy sale going on.
    E: You get the idea....

    You lot in here, will ALL want to murder all the members of the place you go, within 3 minutes....

    Busy Bodies, Womens Institute members, Round Table Members, and Social Circle Members (etc etc)....

    they ALL have their heads so firmly stuck up their butts that they cant see the wood for the trees!

    And its THESE people who support speed cameras!

    I know local Council people near where I me, they shout, and the Police Senior Management have to ask "How High and When Madam? "

    Because it would be WRONG to argue with Anti Speed Campaigners....just like its wrong to defend Canabis......

    you would be on a NO WINNER.......

    Parents ....the Parents ALL drive too fast....stand by the NEXT school and watch the Mum's blasting past, now that Little Jennifer is safe at HER school....and now Mummy is late for work in her 4litre Cherokee, doing 11 miles per gallon, doing her makeup and talking on her mobile, ripping up the 30 limit at 45, past someone ELSE's school.

    I got chased once a woman in a Landrover Discovery....I went through her village at 40mph....(oops).......she was washing her car....

    she dived into it and chased me ...for I didnt KNOW she was chasing me, but she was.....she "caught" me outside the Off Licence and "Went into one"......

    I swear I got the giggles quite badly cos she was still in rubber gloves......BUT she had jumped TWO SETS OF RED LIGHTS to catch me .....and unfortunately, as I know exactly where she lives, I'm sure she was quite disscapointed to see the big sticker on her windscreen the next morning pointing out she had NO TAX DISK cos it ran out months before

    I was speechless to then see her in the local paper a few weeks later, ON THE ANTI-SPEED CAMPAIGN !

    *blimey....long post..... *

    Quote Originally Posted by Advice Trinity by Knoxville
    "The second you aren't paying attention to the tool you're using, it will take your fingers from you. It does not know sympathy." |
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  10. #10
    Senior Member schrickvr6's Avatar
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    Why Why Why do women push prams out into the road assuming you'll stop, great, so if you don't then you hit the pram... did they buy their brains at a jumble sale or something....
    i've noticed this,even if they are waiting at a crossing they will stand safely on the pavement while their baby is pushed out in the gutter,whats that all about?

    where i live there is not one speed camera near a school,not even close,they are all in high volume traffic area's,and worse than that 2 of the 3 are on 2 lane sections of road with a 30mph speed limit,shocking if you ask me..if thats not purely to raise cash i don't know what is

  11. #11
    TiG is offline
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    Originally posted by Zak33
    People that want power should rarely get it
    Well i think thats what you generalised above and have to say my experience of this is true, we generally live in a society where minority rules, well at least in the aspect of you have a pressure group for something and you'll blooming well get action on it.

    -- Hexus Meets Rock! --

  12. #12
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    When i was a bit younger i dont remember children in the masses being ploughed down outside schools. There were no speed cameras then and plenty of cars. Its just people being hypocritical morons really.
    Just noticed that nichomach lives in Preston too! Where abouts are you from matey?

  13. #13
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    How much effort does it take to knock 10mph off your speed? How much effort does it take to educate all the children in the country about the dangers of playing in the street?

  14. #14
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    Thats a rather blinkered way of looking at it...

    Kids should be taught common sence at school, playing in the road is bloody stupid, I hit a kid at 20 or 30 its gonna hurt them quite a bit, hows about shock tactics, show 5 year old what it looks like when u get hit by a bus doing 30mph...

    You cant pamper kids and let them look at life thru rose tinted specs, people speed, kids play on the road, its a fact..

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    Everyone should do exactly as they have been taught, and exaclty how the law says in any aspect, any age, in any walk of life.

    But when you're 5, you don't think like that. Drivers are [should be?] mature enough to realise the danger, more so than a 5 year old, hence my suggestion why it's easy for us to slow, than to tell a 5 year old the danger. You can tell a 5 year old not to do something 'till you're blue in the face -- chances are they'll do it again.

    Get 3 points on your licence, and you won't.

  16. #16
    Will work for beer... nichomach's Avatar
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    Originally posted by berger
    When i was a bit younger i dont remember children in the masses being ploughed down outside schools. There were no speed cameras then and plenty of cars. Its just people being hypocritical morons really.
    Just noticed that nichomach lives in Preston too! Where abouts are you from matey?
    I'm from London originally, but my wife lectures at Central Lancs, so I moved up here after brief sojourns in Aberystwyth and Telford. You a Preston native?

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