I suppose as an engineer I'm used to the idea that everything is a compromise.
The huge battery in an EV is a compromise, you are giving up on up-front cost of the cells and the economy of hauling the extra weight around for range.
But then if you get a petrol car, these days it will likely be a small turbo engine because that is a compromise between small engine efficiency when off boost and large engine power when the turbo spins up. So I have no problem with hybrids as a principle, it is just another tool for the drivechain designer to use and in my use a plug-in would probably mean I only have to fill the petrol tank every 6 months.
My biggest worry with sticking with fossil fuel is the idea that at some point petrol stations will stop making economic sense to run. If people don't go to fill up, then they don't pop into the shop, so you can't make enough money to keep the place open.
I also have a habit of running cars into the ground, albeit from 5 year old second hand usually. last car I only had a few years because I didn't get on with diesel. It is difficult to find a modern car that doesn't bore me though.