Hellloooooo people
Here's the idea of this thread - post one item you'd consider essential and one item you'd like removed ...from cars of the future.
Lets ignore safety items - ABS, ESP, Air Bags etc are all here to stay, rightly so and should continue to develop as fast as viable.
But some items just don't need to exist - period. They add complexity, cost, weight, power drain and energy use to the car.... and can go.
My votes are:
Essential - all cars should have as standard electric FOLDING mirrors that do not poke out past the bdy work width. This will make it much easier over the life of the car to keep costs down from not being to easy to smash off. Mirrors are expensive to replace, and I know the weight of the motors to make thenm fold will impact (no pun intended) the cars consumption of power, BUT I think over the life of the range of cars , it will help reduce plastic use, paint use, glass use, motor use, cable use, and in some cars, even bulbs and reflectors where indicators are built in. They should be able to fold in at ANY speed, and not only at slow speed. The folding function button should be as easy to use as main beam, or the stereo. With this design, any vehicles coming the other way in tight spaces have a much better chance of not losing a mirror each.
Remove - I believe no cars should ever have, even as an option, heated steering wheels. They just shouldnt.