Hmmm - It's not speed that kills, it's inappropriate speed.
Most of the back lanes that lead to my house are national speed limit - do I drive at that speed? Of course not - it's narrow and has 90 degree bends in it.
Believe it not, I've had two knocks this year, where I've been stationary - how could a speed camera sort that out?
The three series driver above - what on earth was he doing 110 along a dual carriage way that he probably didn't know, in a car he definitely didn't know? Thats pretty stupid - are 70mph limits on a motorway gonna help?
IMHO no - the most scary things that happen are due to people who are dangerous at any speed.
Passing J12 M4 - I've seen many, many cars either leaving the "on" sliproad at ~20mph or actually stopped at the end. Having had to break fairly hard as a minibus moving at 20 tried to join a packed M4 moving at ~50/60/70. Tell me how these speed cameras are going to stop that and I'm all for it.
Most of all though I hate the way the goverments justify their actions. The police report two seperate types of offence "speeding" and "inappropriate speed". The goverment combines these two figures to justify speed cameras, even though the second offence will not be caught by them.
Thats really the point I'm trying to make here - sorry, bit of a rant
- theres no evidence that speed cameras actually drop the rate of accidents, cause they can't catch stupid/blind/drunk/high drivers - only speeding ones. I feel much happier in a lane next to someone doing 100 than next to any of those.