~25 cars converged on Port Solent today for a very good meet. There's some pics here: http://niknak.org/g/?p=%2FCars%2FMee...D+08%2D05%2D05
Unfortunately one guy wrote his off after driving too enthusiasticaly on a new ECU, after a heavy rain shower, into a bend exiting the car park, and head on into a Focus. Lets just say, neither car is very pretty anymore, the Police were suitably unimpressed, and everyone at the meet was annoyed because of how it reflects on the group as a whole. Really tarnished what was otherwise a superb static meet and pub lunch.
As it happens, the ECU he was testing was the one I'd just bought, so after the rozzers had gone home we swapped it out and it's back in my car. Long story short, I now have launch control and 2-3hp more across the range through slightly advanced timing and slightly increased fueling. I can tell the launch control is going to be ace at Pod (though not with my current clutch, seeing as the bite point dropped about an inch after doing 2 practise launches - need to get the Exedy in!). The only downside is that it now runs significantly better on Optimax than regular, being much much smoother off the throttle and sharper cracking it open.
Fun day though