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Hey all,
I'm about to get a PS3 (GTA calls!) and I don't have a HD tv, so I'd like to use my current PC monitor if possible. I've got a 19" widescreen Hanns G, natural resolution is 1440x900. So by my reckoning I should be able to get 720p through it.
However, I've heard getting the PS3 to display a HD image through a monitor is pretty problematic. I've done a bit of research, and people seem to be pointing to this thing to solve the problem for VGA:
h t t p : / / w w w .play-asia. c o m/paOS-13-71-11z-49-en-70-1d2s.html
(sorry about the spaces, but i'm not gonna spam the forum with 5 useless posts just so I can put a link in!)
My question is, has anyone managed to get a PS3 running through a VGA LCD monitor similar to mine (that doesn't support HDCP) with HD resolutions, and generally looking as good as a HD tv? And if so how did you do it, was it using that thing in the link? If not what?
Also, what's the deal with using DVI? My monitor model doesn't support HDCP, but does have a DVI port (it's this monitor: h t t p://w w w.overclockers .c o. u k/showproduct.php?prodid=MO-017-OK). Can i get away with using a DVI/HDMI cable and adapter? And if I can, what would I then need to use to get sound, like if i wanted to use a standard st of headphones?
Sorry to ask this again, I guess people often ask, but I've not been able to get any explations I've fully understood from researching it, so I thought best to ask.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading...