Turned my xbox on last night got 3 red rings tried it again 7-8 times still red rings, left it for a bit came back tried it 3-4 times still red rings.
Moved it off the floor to a window sill tried it a couple of times and it eventually fired up and stayed working for a good while. Moved it again later on to the big tv so it was back on the floor and it was fine.
This is the 2nd time ive seen the red rings 1st time round a reboot sorted it - does the fact it took so many attempts to get going last night mean its close to being on the way out? I have it under warrenty from game so if it goes i think i can just swap it for a different one so i assume it has to be totally dead (ie red rings every single time you boot up) when i take it to the shop for a replacement?