Hi all
I'm looking to buy a new small MP3 Player,
i have been using a Panasonic SV-SD85 which is great as its the smallest mp3 player i
have ever seen / used with Great battery life, and was perfect using down the GYM.
So why you ask am i looking for a new mp3 player???
Because I've had it with the Crap software that you have to use with the player as its nasty to use, keeps crashing and encrypts the music onto the SD card, which i no longer want the hassle with.
So I'm looking to buy a Mp3 Player that is
- Similar in size
- DOES NOT ENCRYPED the Mp3s eg. Panasonics SD encrypting, or iTunes
- Has good battery life
- And has (but not essential) a SD slot for extra memory
Thanks for all your views and help