If someone offers you a cheap digital camcorder, look closely before you buy! There are currently a bunch of convincing fakes 'doing the rounds' - all are badged Sony, JVC or Canon and all have the model MX7000 or MX7200. They are being unloaded on unsuspecting tourists at various holiday destinations and also being sold in the UK out of the back of vans, at street markets, in second-hand shops and in pubs. They even appear on Ebay from time to time.
Although they look like the genuine article and come with a smart bag containing a tripod, a CD of editing software, a manual and connecting leads, the manual has no brand name on it; closer inspection shows that the optical viewfinder is a dummy, as is the main lens - the actual picture is recorded from a small 'pinhole' lens below the main lens. The con is that the 1.5" colour viewfinder screen works and the device will actually record a movie, so it looks convincing if someone demonstrates it to you. Actual recording quality is rubbish, of course, but the unsuspecting punter doesn't find that out until they try to upload their efforts to a PC.
Seems that these things are being churned out by the thousand in the Far East and sold for up to £150 each, although I doubt if they cost more than a tenner to make...
Google 'MX7000' for more details - buyer beware!!.