Im looking to replace my current hi-fi with a setup consiting of an amp/receiver and a set of speakers. Due to money constraints i cant afford a full 5.1 setup atm, so im looking to get just 2 speakers now, then over the next few months build it up to a full 5.1 setup. They will be used as PC speakers for the time being.
Iv found the YAMAHA RXV361 at Richer Sounds - HI-FI Separates, Home Cinema, Speakers, MP3 DVD Portables, Plasma LCD, etc. which seems to suit my needs, its just the speakers im after now. Id idealy like to start with getting 2 floorstanding speakers, then working on from there. Iv got a budget of around £150 for the speakers, but im not sure which brands to go for, which to avoid etc and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
thanks guys