Right here's the plan, a little photo challenge for everyone:
You take as many photos as you like on 18th SEPTEMBER, but CHOOSE ONLY ONE that you feel defines 18th September as it was for you.
No need to give a reason.
You resize your image to 800 x 600 pixels and less than 200k Maximum - smaller is ok but please no bigger.
You may not manipulate your images (unless that is the aim of the challenge at the time, in this case it is not), slight lightness/contrast adjustments are permitted, nothing more. This is after all about the picture taking not the fiddling after...
You Upload your image to a server (there's a list in the sticky at the top of decent ones you can use) and note down the location... which will be something that I (or anyone else) can put image tags around for posting here [if not, then it won't be included 'cause I won't know how to get to it ]
you then email the location to the following address:
hexus.creativephotos (at) gmail (dot) com
with the subject heading "My September 18th"
then on the 19th I will make a poll thread displaying all the submitted entries.
this thread will take votes for 5 days.
the resulting winner will be acknowleged for their tallents and will provide the subject, or date if they chose, for the next mini-challenge.
if a subject/theme is chosen (e.g. 'action' or 'water') participants are given a week to get the desired shot, if it is a date then its pictures from that day that are to be entered.
Entries in by 7.30pm 19th September please, the voting will commence around about 9pm after which late entries, I'm afraid, wont get in (unless you've warned me prior). no cheating and taking any on the 19th, thats part of the challenge of selecting a date! you have from midnight to midnight on the 18th, should be enough for anyone!
[p.s. I will add this to the sticky for general refernce on submissions etc.]