I am having alto of problems with arial signals around my house, even though the main socket is fine (the tv attatched displays no "fuzz" or anything).
The picture in other rooms gets better if i nudge the wire in the socket a bit, and i dont mean insert it fully and firmly i just mean move it a bit to the eg right.
I have also had the wires and sockets break and fall apart.
To me all this coaxial wiring seemed very old and out of date (the tec not my personal wire) so i had myself a little google.
It seems that coxial was invented in 1920! and has been used for TV since 1940!
With all our andvances in tv quality and now especially with HDTV does it still do the job?
It reminds me of BTs netwrok of old rusty telephone lines which limit my broadband connection. (are we not getting a new fibre optic network soon?)
So, my question is this: Is there and alternative or will there be?
Also, i was watching the gadget show and it said you can recieve freeview channels via a sattelight dish and 2meg broadband (and i guess faster its just becuase thats the only speed bt will give in most areas right?) Does this mean that we should all have satelight dishes not those bloody radio mast things we have?
This brings me to my last point, what does sky use to connect from the dish to the sky box, just the coaxial cable that is already there, actually, is the tv signal taken from the arial to the socket via coaxial cable or is some other cable used?
thanks, im off to google land to see whats happening to my fibre optic network now, i want fast broadband.
EDIT: Will this get me fast broadband: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BT_21CN
if not, what bdoes it mean? EDIT: From what i have now read it seems that all the old copper wiring we have will stay the same (with new housing estates getting firbre optical networks) but the equiptment in the exchanges will change so that broad band is how everything is connected to everything else, and so we will get tv via broadband (if we want) and so mabe that is the future and the answer to my original question?