My mother just recently bought herself one of those Creative Nano mp3 players, but her age-old problem of finding earphones has reared it's ugly head up again. While she loves her little mp3 player... she can't blinking well use it!
I assume that she just has very small, or perhaps strangely shaped ear canals because she has never been able to find a pair of earphones that work for her. Either the phones will fall out of her ears, or she'll be able to wear them for a short period of time before they start hurting her - then she's unable to use them again for about a week.
I've been looking at all of the rubberish ear plug style headphones, in particular the Sony MDR-EX71s. While that particular product receives good reviews until somewhere around 2005, I'm not particularly enthused by the more recent reviews of cables becoming bared/poor build quality, etc.
I've heard a lot about the Shure E2C phones, but I'm afraid those are out of the price range. The amount that we're willing to spend is between £20-40. This will be part of her birthday present (March 31st), so if anyone has any recommendations, opinions or advice, I, and my mother's ears, would greatly appreciate any input.