Oky like every one you buy memory with a heat spreader to help aid the removal of heat is that correct ?
So then why do all makers of memory then suddenly go stick a warranty sticker on that says "Do not remove or you will invalidate you warranty" right across the heat spreader. This is making the point of havening a heat spreader useless because you have introduced another factor to aid the none removal of heat. The stickers you all use are not made of metal they are not thermal conductive in any way yet the sticker size nearly cover 1/2 of the stick or in the case of XMS nearly all of the stick when you include the Big XMS 2 sticker.
Now i fully understand that if people have side windows its a good way of advertising the memory but again its a pointless and fruitless exercise because you in one hand trying to solve a problem and then in the other adding to the problem.
Why don't you instead Etch you name on the metal and use some other form of sticker but not on the product it self. It feels as though your being givin in one hand and taking away with the other.