I've got 4 sticks of CH5 DHX and after the PCs been on for a few hours may get an application crash, for example the last few times my sons been playing GTA4 and GTA4 has crashed. First time this happened Windows event log confirmed that it was a memory problem so I restarted and ran memtest86+ which failed the RAM at around the 4.725gb point with what looked like a stuck bit. I tried increasing the memory voltage from 1.86 to 1.88 but this didn't help so I lowered it to 1.84 and memtest86+ tests passed. Problem solved I thought but the next day again same prob, so once again I lowered the volts to 1.82 and again memtest86+ passed. Next day, same problem so I lowered the volts to 1.80 but again the day after same problem.
Now the question I have is is it possible that after some time a bit of the RAM gets stuck? How can I RMA this as I'm sure that when it gets to Corsair HQ it will test fine and lastly how do I find out which pair is causing the problem? Can I use the 4.725gb somehow to identify which stick pair I need to remove and RMA?
OS is Vista x64 by the way.