So Friday all the bits which I needed turned up - Patch Panel, Loads of Cables, Cabinet, and a PDU (Power Distribution Unit)
I spent some time on Friday night wiring things up - and had to go out, so I left it - this evening I have finished it off - all ports wired, cables are pulled back, cabinet in, Media Centre sorted, 360 done.
I have taken some shots which I will upload later - its a shame that the shelf is not about 2 inches longer - everything fits but by god it is snug.
I have used about 30 zip ties tonight sorting cables, and have had enough of wiring sockets.
I have to do 2 in the loft, 4 more in the Cellar, and 2 in the bedroom, and 1 more under the stairs and I am done I haven't got any sockets left however so it will have to wait.
Am I pleased? Well yes, it looks good.
What else do I need to do?
I need to finish decorating the spare room which has the wardrobe this resides in, I also need to find a telephone cable which is male to male - so I can move my ADSL box upstairs and also install my Fax machine in my office (can't do it without this cable!)
Time for sleep now Tommorow I will run the last cable down the side of the house, and I will get these damn sockets picked up and installed.