I recently moved away from the rents and into my own place (wooo). In my new lounge where my setup is, is the opposite side of the house where the internet point is so for a while I was without a connection on my trixty. For ages I was trying to bid for a wireless connecter on ebay as I refused to pay the full price of £54.99 for the official one.
Eventually due to desporatation and loss of patience I went out on Sunday and bought one. Set it up OK and it connected fine.
I was happy as larry as I downloaded the guitar hero songs which was the 1st chance I had since getting the game
BUT! (insert cheesy suspence music) All is not well. Everytime I attempt to enter any multiplayer game, whether its CoD3 or Uno it comes up with the error "unable to connect to players".
The wireless signal is on full. The reported connection quality of each game I try is 5 stars (or 4, i cant remember what the limit is in CoD). I've tried resetting up the wireless, I've re-setup the router etc. Any other wireless device in the house works fine. Edit: Also the players who were in the game I was attempting to join still appear in my 'Recently played with' list.
Can anyone help me with this? You do not understand how much I miss my multiplayer games