There was a time when I subscribed to the once legendary PCGamer print magazine, getting my massive glossy mag with a couple of floppy discs on the front posted to me every month. Over the years I defected once or twice to PCZone, before finally moving to PCFormat and then to getting all my information from the internet.
I've all but abandoned PCGaming mags now, DVDs full of shareware and videos i've played with/watched a month ago, full of old news that hexus.gaming reported last year...The only interesting reason to buy a mag such as PCG these days is the editorial content/read contributions - and theres almost none of this content left in these magazines anymore (letters used to be 4-5 pages..1-2 now..used to be 2 large editorial pieces/ theres 1). All the news I want I can get online, and while its nice to have a magazine there is just little point for me anymore - especially at £6-£7 a pop.
So does anyone still read a gaming magazine? Those that do, which one is it? PCG? PCZ or something else?
NB i'm talking squarely PC related mags here, not playstation magazine etc