Can lack of CPU power cause DirectX errors?
I ask because I have a rather old(ish) PC that I'm wishing to upgrade soon, as per another thread in the Hardware forum. In the mean time, I am trying to get COD4 to work on my current spec.
Now I know everything works OK, other games run great, however my CPU doesn't meet the minimum requirements for COD4. Still, it installs, loads and goes to the menu screen OK, I've sorted out the CTD's when skipping the intro, this was due to the .asi files in the "miles" folder not being compatible with 32 bit processors (something pointed out by Infinity Ward, they have even released a new file so it will work with them - this tells me that using a 32 bit processor should be OK despite them saying the minimum should be 64 bit, otherwise why would they release a new file?).
Now, when clicking on "New Game", it loads another movie (the English guy talking about what's going on around the world and introducing "Soap") and this is where it crashes. As the movie starts you get the usual Windows error sound in the background and if I Ctrl-Alt-Del I can see a window on the start bar with the COD4 icon saying "DirectX Error" but I can't open or show the window to see the error details. If I force COD4 to close the error also closes. I'm not sure where I can get the details of this DirectX error.
All drivers are up to date, DirectX has been updated from the COD4 disc and also from Windows website, but it still crashes at the same point. It doesn't crash when I change resolution in the options like some others have mentioned on other sites, and none of the "fixes" on the Infinity Ward website seem to work either (like setting the sounds hardware acceleration to basic and using a desktop resolution of 800x600 before launching the game).
Anyone have any ideas, or am I screwed due to my CPU?