Interesting thread, I have to agree with directhex that online distribution, similar to steeam, is definatly needed.
Also I have to admit, that if only £5 from a £30 game goes to developers, then I dont feel nearly as bad having in the past, downloaded one or two games without paying.
Recently I havent been playing nearly as many games. Ive played demos of lots but thats about as far as I got.
I think if games were sold online, like with steam, then I expect there would be a HUGE drop in pc piracy. Firstly online games can not be pirated as working cd keys can not be generated by apps with 99% of games. If the cost of games was to drop from £30 (release price) to £10 (fixed price) then I would also see the sales going up a lot. console games are being realeased around £50
iirc (dont own a console), so 5x the cost of pc games, the console itself might be cheaper, but for buying lots of games, the pc would eventually become cheaper.
Another problem is that games sold this way online would need huuuuge amounts of bandwidth etc.. and wouldnt that cost money? possibly enough to keep the cost of the games the same? either way I can see games sold online will still be priced VERY closely to boxed games, why? because they can and most people wont know that its cheaper...
Also most of the console owners I know think that pc's are bearly capable of running office apps.