Hey All,
Just recently I was in a TFC game/server and a "Player" enters the game. He starts team shooting, rocketing snipers of the sniper deck, armour stripping and just generly beeing really abusive. So as you would expect alot of peeps begin to get peed off with him so I start a kick vote on him and that really sets him of on a rampage...
However even tho I think he may have been cheating I manage to hold my own against him and he gets even more peed off.
I end up switching to the same team he is on, only to find him in the respawn, when he says this to me, and i quote "brb, gonna fix u man, u f****r". So i watch him and he is just standing there dead still in the respawn. He has obviously temporally exited the game to "fix me" as he put it. About 20 seconds later my game crashes... Along with a big chunk of my firewall ! Obviously he somehow managed to do some sort of attack on me which caused my game to crash, something I though would be impossible since I only just downloaded a update for winXP that was supposed to stop people crashing applications using DirectX. Yet he still managed to grash my game...
Now this is where I hope you technically minded wizards can help me.
1) How did this person crash my game, &
2) How can I stop it from happening again.
Thx, all suggestions & ideas welcome, Dave.