I was playing america online last night and its really bad for kiddys throwing there rattle out of the pram.
in one round a guy ran infront of someone firing long bursts of a SAW, and then spat his dummy when he got shot by him, next round he just ran up and shot the guy in the back of the head, so we kicked him.
in that same round, i accidently chucked a grenade right at my teammate and blew him sky high, he just messaged "
lol dead again, no problem i die sooner or later"
I get team killed and just laugh, even when i was firing over the top of my teammate who had a barret sniper rifle, thought id give him some protection seeing as he was looking through his scope, he turned around to see who was firing, and there was me stood in USA uniform, same as him, he still stood up and i think probably through dumbness, shot me in the head with a .50 cal round
Even then i only laughed about it, dumb people.
I predict one day though, everything is going to be online, when the connections are tens of gigabytes fast, we probably wont have massive hard drives, and instead run games straight of the internet, in a thin client way, so they can prevent piracy.