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Thread: ATI comment on PS3

  1. #1
    HEXUS.gaming Steven W's Avatar
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    ATI comment on PS3


    'The European Developers Relations Manager for ATI, Richard Huddy, was quoted in an interview with Edge magazine saying that "I think Xbox 360 technology is likely to outperform PlayStation 3 technology by a pretty healthy margin in the long run." and that the RSX was basically a PC part component slapped into the Playstation 3 at the last moment of the Playstation 3's development process.

    Edge Magazine: How do you think your work on the 360 measures up to PS3?

    Richard Hubby: [...]With the PS3 my understanding of what happened is that they had three different internal hardware solutions - at one point, for example, as I understand it there was a proposal to use multiple Cell processors just to handle the graphics. And towards the end of the process, as the story goes, they took a look at the three internal tenders and decided than none of them would actually do; none of them would deliver the kind of performance and quality that games programmers could use and would make for a good cost-effective console, so they had to go out and shop around. And one of the places they shopped was Nvidia, and what Nvidia did was say: 'Well, you've got this relatively short timeframe, you've got roughly this kind of budget, I'll tell you what we'll do: we'll do you a good price on what is essentially the 7800GTX'. So that's a PC chip, and if you look at the architecture of the two consoles you can see we've done bizarre things that they haven't. We've built ten megabytes of dedicated ED RAM which knows how to antialias and so on, because that's a specific way of addressing a console's problem. It's bizarre in a PC sense but a special skill for a console builder. Whereas the PS3 has 256 meg of system memory and 256 meg of graphics memory it communicates through what is effectively a PCI express bus. It uses GDDR3 fast memory, it's essentially a PC graphics design bolted on to a Cell processor and 256 meg of fast system memory...

    Edge Magazine: You make it sound so unrefined!

    Richard Hubby: [Laughs.] Well, yeah, but the tragedy is that it is unrefined. There's a lot brute force in there - I'd be the last person to admit it, but the truth is that the 7800GTX is a pretty powerful piece of hardware, but it's not very elegant, it hasn't got the kind of: 'Well, how do we design this to be the best possible console we can build for this money?' Instead it's been put together at the end of quite a complicated process. We have two very different design processes. If Microsoft had come to us and said: 'All right, what are we going to do about this graphics chip, then? Let's sign the contract and let's go', but then we'd got two thirds through and they'd said: 'Look, you guys aren't going to deliver - now what are you going to do?' and then walked away from us, they would have ended up with a design very much like the PS3 in some essential characteristics - it would have had to use bought-in components. And our GPUs instead are custom-designed components, and that's one of the fundamental reasons why I think Xbox 360 technology is likely to outperform PlayStation 3 technology by a pretty healthy margin in the long run.

    Edge Magazine: So how about this one: can those E3 PS3 demos be achieved on Xbox 360?

    Richard Hubby: Well, why not take another combative line here? I think it's more likely that they can be realised on an Xbox 360 than they can be on a PS3. Those things are movies generated using whatever DCC software the houses had in mind. The Epic demo was running on a PC, and it was done using an early 7800 in SLI mode, so that was a high-end PC demo, but the movies were generated as movies and dressed up as: 'This is what you can expect from a PS3', but that's probably overstating what the PS3 can do a little bit. Indeed, it's well beyond what we expect the PS3 to be able to do. So I guess we'll just have to see what happens..."'

  2. #2
    not posting kempez's Avatar
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    I'm going to wait and see what happens when it comes out tbh.

    ATI are bound to shout down the competition
    Check my project <<| Black3D |>>
    Quote Originally Posted by hexah
    Games are developed by teams of talented people and sometimes electronic arts

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    Yup, and the nearer to the PS3 launch we get, the louder the shouting will be

  4. #4
    Senior Member sawyen's Avatar
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    still cant believe ATI would actually call a more efficient hardware BRUTE.. and not elegant considering how they've used clockspeed to muscle their cards in the X1800 range..

    The ATI solution in 360 isnt that much elegant either when placed in a proper perspective...

    Me want Ultrabook

  5. #5
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    All this speculation...

    There is only going to be a handfull of exclusive games for each console anyway. Most developers will bring out their games on all platoforms. Capcom for instance are developing resident evil 5 for PS3 and Xbox 360. If you think both versions are going to look massively different, i think you'l be in for a surprise.

    I cant just t EA properley harnessing the true power of all 3 next gen consoles for its multiple format games. Fifa wont be using 3 cores on the xbox or 7 cores on the playstation or anything like it, they will just get some nice liscensed music to please the chavs...

  6. #6
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    is it worth waiting for a PS3 or is it not any better than the Xbox 360??

  7. #7
    Mike Fishcake
    "Company says rivals product not as good as theirs"

    My god I'm becoming increasingly cynical

  8. #8
    HEXUS.gaming Steven W's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAYK47
    is it worth waiting for a PS3 or is it not any better than the Xbox 360??
    that's the million dollar question.

    get both if you can afford it.

  9. #9
    Almost in control. autopilot's Avatar
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    I'm totally switched off to the whole pointless speculation of graphical power now, especially from rival companies. We wont know until it hits the shelves and steve threlfall's point about the games being developed of both looking the same is probably right, unless there really is a such a massive difference. But we really cant take ATI's comments seriously.

    What i am more interested in is the PS3's other features, such as PVR functionality and streaming. This is one area where Sony could really get one up on Microsoft.

  10. #10
    not posting kempez's Avatar
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    Has anyone else heard the rumours of the PS3 running OSX as an optional extra??

    Now that would be nice
    Check my project <<| Black3D |>>
    Quote Originally Posted by hexah
    Games are developed by teams of talented people and sometimes electronic arts

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steven W
    that's the million dollar question.

    get both if you can afford it.

    its not really a question of affording it. Its more of a case of one or the other, i dont see the point of both really.

  12. #12
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    as soon as i saw the name Microsoft in fronjt of Xbox i knew it would bow away all the competition, (hardwhere wise)

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    Quote Originally Posted by BriggsyUK
    as soon as i saw the name Microsoft in fronjt of Xbox i knew it would bow away all the competition, (hardwhere wise)
    *picks self up off the floor*

    I bet you're a marketeer's dream!

    I'll say it again, according to developers there's not a whole lot between them, the 360 is a bit easier to program, but the ps3 has a slight edge on the power of the hardware.

    If you like the games on the 360, then buy one, if you want to play your old PS2 games, want similar on the PS3, and have a cheap blu-ray player, then get a PS3.

  14. #14
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    Cheap blu-ray player sounds nice, is the PS3 going to have mouse and keyboard for FPS

  15. #15
    Almost in control. autopilot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mofo's
    is the PS3 going to have mouse and keyboard for FPS
    Probably, just like the Xbox and PS2 did. Not much fun in an armchair though

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by kempez815
    Has anyone else heard the rumours of the PS3 running OSX as an optional extra??

    Now that would be nice
    Sony want to release a hard drive which will come pre-installed with Linux, but I haven't heard anything about OSX running on it (though I don't pay that much attention to what's said about anything until about a month or two before a confirmed release date).

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