Hi everyone. Haven't seen much on the forums lately about FC, so this could be a long shot.
Anyway, here's my problem: I can't connect to ubi.com when in FC from the multiplayer screen. It says "logging in to Ubi.com" and does nothing for ages before I have to cancel.
I'm using XP 64bit, patched with AMD 64bit patch and AMD content update. Have I got the patch sequence right? Do I don't need any 32bit patches first?
I'm behind a modem/router (Linksys WAG54G), and have tried the port forwarding thing with no joy - assuming the router is forwarding the ports correctly in the first place. Is there a way to check this without running FC?. I have also disabled windows firewall, even though the FC exe file was in the firewall exceptions list, but still nothing. The odd thing is I've managed to play on a laptop running XP Pro 32bit, connecting wirelessly to my router - connected to ubi straight away.
Not sure what else to try, so if anyone has an ounce of an idea, I would most appreciate the help!
Many thanks.