Past: Snes
Simply timeless, there are some games that will simply nvr get boring or grow old, Street Fighter, Mega Man X (not MegaMan!!!! hes a mofo!!), Mario Kart, Terrinigma, Chrono Trigger.......need i say more?
**nodes hat to MegaDrive** even though i nvr had 1 i played Streets Of Rage 1 ,2 and 3 (Ps also Golden Axe, not as good lol) on pc with emulator, all gr8 fun when u play it with others, me and m8 finished it in like an 1 using Keyboard other Sidewinder, yes it sounds weird but very entertaining, Its was refreshingly straight to the point and enjoyable, something more games should take note of tbh
Current : Pc
Best Graphics,Best Multiplayer , overall best games *and tbh a pc is soo much center,cinema etc* .Still it must be metioned that the recent consoles have came on in leaps and bounds, *me thinks consoles will evolve into a pc's *
Future: Pc
Doesn't grow old with expensive implats lol , bit like Jordon