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I think that's generalising quite a lot to be honest. The Wii never intended to set the world alight visually, even Mr Iwata admitted that. While i'll agree with you that many people do not see that as a good thing, there are at least as many people who want bang for their buck (so to speak) who will buy the Wii for it's interactivity and gameplay values.
As for a cheap system and expensive games, the games are not especially expensive. They are being priced according to how the Nintendo execs feel they will sell (e.g Mario and Zelda will retail for more than Excite Truck!). When you put this in context, it is a clever system - take the game Ping Pals for the DS; priced at £20 (the same as some games if bought via Amazon.co.uk) it is nothing more than a rebranded version of the DS chat system. So, you end up paying the same price for a decent racing game as you would for a glitzy chat program.
By pricing the Wii games in the proposed way, you will get much better value for money - paying a suitable price for a game that you will seriously enjoy (i'm thinking Twighlight Princess, Red Steel, etc.)
Considering what you get, you can hardly complain about the Wii because it is cheap sytsem. Take the old example that a 360 premium package and a Wii launch package costs only slightly more than a PS3 launch bundle - the 360 has exceptional graphics, the Wii has exceptional innovation and games. I believe one of the MS execs said that they didn't see any problem with the Wii because they both catered for different niche markets (and thus, both companies have no problem with people purchasing both to get the best of each console).
That's just my pennethworth, but i really do think that the Wii is extremely cheap given that you are in effect buying a console with backward compatibility, full motion sensing and access to the back catalogue of retro games. Definitely worth paying the low price as a trade of to games that won't really cost more than Xbox or PS games.