Well guys, Ive just got back from a press thingy at work (Science Museum London) because we have just got our hands on a PS3 and a Wii for the Game On exhibit we current have here. Spent all morning playing on the Wii (Wii sports) & PS3 (Motorstorm).
PS3 was as to be expected, shiny but boring. The game isnt great, its pretty but not great. Press came in, ran straight to it, took lots of photos of the actual console, took a couple of people playing and then that was it.
Wii was brilliant fun, everyone was crowded round it and press going nuts with photos of tennis, golf and boxing (Think boxing went down best) - Its surprisingly tiring trying to beat the crap out of you fellow workers.
Everyone there including the press i spoke too were much more impressed with the Wii than the PS3 but that is too be expected since the PS3 had a crap game which is v. lone playing while the Wii got everyone involved.
It did find it amusing that the PS3's box had so many holes in it there might aswell not have been on while the Wii say happily enclosed in its holeless box...
PS3 going to burn your house down