where's the option for I "I still use program manager - even in XP"???
(OK it's only my dad that uses it still but that's not the point!!)
Classic Style
New Style
I don't run Windows XP
where's the option for I "I still use program manager - even in XP"???
(OK it's only my dad that uses it still but that's not the point!!)
Why is it so new? XP was released i 2001, we are just starting 2004...
Still running 2000 Pro here... I know how to work 2000 properly - XP just frustrates the hell out of me tbh. I like me quick launches, so stuf like IE and outlook, photoshop, Hyperlobby, TS and stuff like that are all in me quick lauch bar. Don't like the new X start menu at all either - always gets put straight onto classic mode if I have to work on an XP machine... and put back before the customer sees
Originally Posted by The Quentos
Classic style but i do have a lot of the xp festures turn on
everyone knows this is going to turn into a " wow look how amazing my start meny is " thread lol... i dunno i think the new style when personalized looks funka...
i don't use a start menu (that often). i mainly hit the windows key and R to open the run box and run whatever i want from there. programs i frequently use are close to the top of the autocomplete list, and those i haven't used in ages are missing, and can be found again with only minor searching.
suits me well on windows 2000 pro. still prefer a command line to anything though
Don't use Xp anymroe, but I used to put it all back to classic Win2K modes. Then figured i might as well just use Win2K instead
WinXP looke litke the teletubies have taken over
I have to admit, I am a fan of the new style. Helps clear the clutter mainly
Classic for me all the way, but I use a wharf-style arrangement in my Quickbar using a program called truelaunchbar to separate things like frequently accessed folders/apps/bookmarks etc into their own menus that open from the icons in the quickbar. Much easier.
i've eliminated the "quicklaunch" toolbar through use of the modern start menu. unfortunately the file server with my comparison pics on is down atm...
[edit] click http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~jms501/hexus/tehdesktop.jpg to see how i have it arranged. the recently used bit is actually dead useful, if i've been doing a lot of a particular task (like web editing) then the right app quickly filters onto the list where i need it
I use the new style and much prefer it. Most used apps are kept upto date, and I have quick access to notepad, cmd, things like that.
All the stuff you might expect on the desktop are on 2 menus at the bottom of the screen (apps/games) to keep the desktop tidy. Only things that go on the desktop are works in progress, eg graphics, sounds, video that I'm encoding so I dont forget
New one ... I just don't bother changing it because I use a double height start bar and have a full length Quicklaunch for everything! I also have another quick folder launch on my 2nd screen along with dual task bars (per screen, not mirrored)
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Classic for me
<sig removed by Agent - You should know better mate! >
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