Bit of a strage on, but if in doubt, try the forums I say!
I ordered Guitar Hero II from ChoicesUK (got a great price), anyhow, the item was dispatched and due for delivery today. It never turned up.
I'm going to be having family around this weekend and I've already told them about the great new toy I'll have for them to rock out on, eeek! *note to self, never speak too soon!*
ChoicesUK were kind enough to give me my consignment number and after using the tracking service on Parceline's website, I know now why I don't have my parcel. Here is my status:
Unable to deliver, premisies could not be located. Gah! Don't they have maps or GPS these days?Tracking History
Date Time Location No of Parcels Status
05 Apr 2007 14:05 Birmingham 1 Unable to deliver, premisies could not be located
05 Apr 2007 07:04 Birmingham 1 On vehicle for delivery, using Saturn
05 Apr 2007 04:25 Birmingham 1 Security check
04 Apr 2007 Peterborough 1 Collected from sender
04 Apr 2007 20:27 Birmingham Hub 1 Forwarded to Birmingham
04 Apr 2007 20:26 Birmingham Hub 1 Confirmed On Trailer
I've tried calling them but all their offices are now closed and with the bank holiday tomorrow, they won't be re-opening until Saturday morning.
Is there anyway I can just go and collect my parcel?