Thought I would make all Mint credit card holders aware of this so you can check your statements / transactions.
My wife recently found out that her credit card had been used to buy almost £1,000 worth of stuff over a two week period.
We only found out because she received a letter from one of the retailers requesting approval to send the item (a watch in this case) to a different address other than the Credit Card billing address.
Anyway, we asked the retailer for the postal address they had been given which they gladly gave to us. Now, before anybody says it, we are not going to go there and beat someone up or anything - this is more trouble than its worth.
After speaking to Mint they confirmed all the transactions which were not ours and then told us to send a letter to their office in Southend.
Guess where the requested postal address was for the watch........SOUTHEND!!!
Now I'm not going to presume anything but this is a big big coincidence!!
When we told Mint, they did not sound surprised and when we asked if they could update us on their progress with the case they said they couldn't because of the data protection act!
Just check your statements, just in case.