look moogle , your right to believe it or not and personally at what your saying i think it would be best if you didn't believe the religion , as you can see its not for you.
I respect where your coming from and i respect the fact that it doest do anything for you. All i am asking you to do is the same in return , meaning the people who believe it let is be there loss or gain.
You don't believe it so you judging what it says is pointless.
When i said about the punishment this is what i mean. We all believe statistics have a great importance in life , some people like life insurance and endowment polices base there whole business on this ideology alone.
This said Islam , Christianity , Hinduism, and Buddhism based there whole belief on this ideology too. Ok this said If you follow the religion you have chose to it will cover you in the bad things that happens to people whilst your living.
Anyway this said Islam itself is very strict on the ideology of statistics and with that laws are made so people live a perfect life where nothing can POSSIBLY go wrong.
As you can see i wrote POSSIBLY in capitals , reason being its just that you have a grater chance for that happening , and as you know life is very unpredictable but you see patterns in life if you do this then this will happen , islam is no different.
So the term punishment here is like maybe you get murdered , basiclly this means that you paid your life , or say you stole and you get your hands cut off , why steal in the first place.
Like I said its a islamic law and muslims are happy to follow it , its not forced on you moogle.
If you think it is forced on you then your thinking wrong.
Maybe your parents make you feel that and the reason they do that i because they fell responsible for your actions.
Remember that they are very important to you and if this means faking it as a white lie then i would do it to keep them happy but if you cant then i warn you they will be very disappointed.
This is a result to the actions of your parents living they feel hurt and you have to understand that , but what hurts me is that you feel the religion is forced on you when its not because of your parents making you see that.
Nice comment Iranu , agree with you very much , we are all humans and we all hurt and bleed , remember that