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Thread: Ok, So We Are Not Eating Pills For Dinner and Going About In Flying Cars...

  1. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dareos View Post
    and if it was a victorian woman

    cos i'm a perv

    Sorry to disapoint but i don't think that would shock Victorian women er um a local
    hospital had a display of interesting "objects" used in the treatment of female hysteria

  2. #34
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  3. #35
    Does he need a reason? Funkstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerrard View Post
    What's more interesting is what we make of stuff that will appear in a hundred years if shown to now us ? I would like to think that we are a lot more forward thinking and open to new ideas, just lacking in the practical department. The rate at which new things are discovered and invented seems to be exponential at the moment.
    It could be a famous miss quote, but the head of the US patent office declaired back in the 50s that he may as well cose as everything has been invented now.

    I don't think anyone has those kinds of limitations in their thining now. I would guess we are more open and accepting of new technologies.

    How about showing them the latest iteration of the TGV going at 356mph ( Back when railways were new, it was believed that anything over 30 miles an hour would rip the skin from your body.

  4. #36
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    tbh i want laser guns , im thinking master cheifs suits with laser guns in the wars no 3 people die in 1 day kinda stuff one guy takes a army

    but seriously internet is the biggest change and shows the future though some real nice technology is coming out lately

  5. #37
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    Re: So We Are Not Eating Pills For Dinner and Going About In Flying Cars...

    Quote Originally Posted by Stewart View Post
    But what one bit of tech says 'teh future' to you? What would most make a Victorians jaw drop?

    For me, its this little beauty:

    pish. tacky American trash

  6. #38
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    Re: Ok, So We Are Not Eating Pills For Dinner and Going About In Flying Cars...

    I find the X35 totally amazing. It just looks like a UFO or something to me. You can find vertical take off and landing movies of it on youtube if you where interested.

    Im gutted we dont all have flying cars and magic pills and stuff, although I do sometimes think we have some great stuff. I think modern mobile phones are pretty great. They are as small as you would ever want them really. Any smaller and you'd need a pin to press the buttons. They (generally) have more storage space than a CD.. You can just drag and drop actual data onto it so they have made USB pens completely redundant. You can drag loads of entire albums on to it so they have made MP3 players, my fancy walkman (hah), and even portable cd players redundent too. They can play videos, they have colour screens, they can connect to the internet and you can check your email and even send email from them. They have games on them which are getting more and more advanced to the point now where its 10 times better than anything I ever owned as a kid (Game Boy etc.), and even compared to modern portable gaming things like a Nintendo DS or PSP... they aren't far off. Proper colour, interactive, decent games. Oh.. and you can speak to people over them like a telephone.

    Its great. Show one of those to a victorian, and they would be blown away I'm sure. Its pretty star trek when you think about it... As a kid, I used to think it was incredible them tapping their badge and then talking to someone elsewhere on the ship... and yet we are doing that all day nowdays. You tap speed dial and then talk to your mate hands free. Not a lot different is it? Combine that with all the multimedia etc..and its pretty special, I think anyway.

    I also sometimes feel like im living in a modern age when I use my PC and specifically, when I play some games. My old grandad (been dead for 15 years now), was a pilot in WW2. I would love to have been able to show him something like Flight Simulator X, or Lock On, or a modern WW2 flight sim on my nice new PC with an 8800gtx... Not only to see what he thinks of modern fighter jets, but also, the fact that I can basically fly one of them from the safety of my big comfy chai. Experience the thrill of flying (and even war in other games) etc.. without the risk of actually being mudered by a nazi...

    The internet is damn cool too. Its one of THE most the most revolutionary, world changing, creations of the last century. Its just a bit hard to appreciate that sometimes, when using it looks like this, "LOLZ THIS MOVIE IS GAY!!!1!!! BUT I WUD LUV 2 BONE JESICA ALMBA".
    Last edited by acrobat; 10-08-2007 at 11:43 PM.

  7. Received thanks from:

    Agent (10-08-2007)

  8. #39
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    Re: Ok, So We Are Not Eating Pills For Dinner and Going About In Flying Cars...

    Yep, mobiles I think would do it. How about this - proves Einstein was correct

    "Reality is what it is, not what you want it to be." Frank Zappa. ----------- "The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike." Huang Po.----------- "A drowsy line of wasted time bathes my open mind", - Ride.

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