Well I had my first ever job interview today for a part time job at Primark (exactly... how hard can it be!) i know the sort of questions they ask such as why you’ll be good for the company etc but it really was my day in that room. Ok so i didn’t do a little bit of research for model answers but what kind of specific person can they be looking for that’s perfect for folding clothes that have been thrown on the shop floor and restocking the shelves? :S a mate also said it was really easy to get a job there as well!
Well it was my turn for the interview, she asked me to come through and sit down, going fine...then firm handshake followed she then said what she was going to do like ask questions and what times are suitable, had eye contact as I know that’s a good thing right? Then the questions I thought I was going to be able to answer.... but didn’t have a clue!
When she asked me a question I had to think for like 30 seconds (lol) some questions she asked?
When was a time you hand to work to a deadline? Coursework in college..?
What makes a good communicator? I couldn’t think of anything by then... I said eye contact and stopped
Why do you want to work for Primark? First thought pay.. Damn! Then come experience..
What would your friends describe you as? Erm.. I said loud and fast... yes I know not such a great answer for a massive box she was writing my answers into.
I was very shaky when doing the interview; she even said you seem really worried!
So how were all of your first interviews (I’m 17!) obviously not as bad as mine, but a few pointers would be really grateful for future interviews, and the kind of replies there wanting!