While in my local chipstop at the weekend waiting for my cod to be battered I saw an altercation between a gang of youths and a community police officer.
The youths where doing nothing actually wrong, but looked a bit shifty and where loitering.
The comminity police officers (2) asked them to move on, to which they replied. "No, we are waiting to meet the rest of our friends" Now they where a bit loud, about this as all teenagers are, but other than that no problem.
The police officer asked them for their names, now this is where it became interesting for me.......
Based on my earlier posts I've made it clear that I believe if a police officer stops you and asks for details/search etc, you should comply - they are the law, but the community police officers made this interesting for me to listen while waiting for my fishy supper.
The youths asked "why"
The officer "because I asked you to move on and you said no, I'm reporting you"
The youths "you can't just tell us to move from a public place, we've arranged to meet our friends here and if we move they won't see us"
The officer "names please !"
the youths "no I don't think so"
the officer "names please or I'll have no choice but to arrest you"
The youths "I don't think so - you can't arrest us"
the officer "I can and I will, don't get lippy"
the youths "what ever plastic copper, you can't do jack, go on then arrest me, do it, go on!"
the officer "I will"
the youths "go on then, I'm waiting, slap the cuffs on, oh no wait you can't, you don't have any because YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING !"
the community officer then calls for "official" backup.
The police turn up, and ask whats going on. The community officer explains to the police, the police officer then starts talking to the youths, and as he's doing so, 2 more youths turn up and the youths shout at the community officers "see I told you we where just waiting for our friends, we are going now !"
The policeman gets back in his car and the event is done.
1.) what power does the community police officer have ?
2.) it would appear none
3.) what is their pupose ?
4.) do they add any value ? if so how ? all I saw was 2 salleried officers out on the beat with no power to do anything but divert police resources as they can't deal with anything themselves.
I'm sure there is more to it than this, and I'm not condoning the youths behaviour but while my fish was frying it got me thinking about this.