On returning home from uni today in the car, my mum and i find our street corner and parking space MUTILATED by the council. They've decided to make the street mouth narrower... GREAT! now, not only is it dangerously narrow, THERE'S NOWHERE TO PARK! Now, altho not everyone about here has a car, the streets are still congested with the cars that do park here, and it was competition enough to get a parking space on this block, nevermind this street! Now it'll be near on IMPOSSIBLE to park on this bloke, or even on the next 3 or 4! they've done this to the next street along too, so it's going to have quite a knock on effect.
Also, looking at the size of the opening, it looks like they're going to make the street one way... EVEN BETTER!!!! we will have to drive an extra 2 miles down the road before being able to enter the road from the other end making us basically double back on ourselves.
my GOD who comes up with this poo? seriously??
Also, does anyone know if there's anything we can do about this?
here's a pic of the monstrosity. The car inside the barriers is our next door neighbours. He's not moving it either, but i think they may clamp/remove it for him if he doesnt move it first :/