Its on BBC1 now. Harsh. Thats all I've got to say.
These 2 bailiffs (1 of which was a spotty kid - thought they were supposed to be big blokes) knock on this door, and tell this woman that when she was helping her disabled father out of the car the other day, she was parked futher than the allowed 50cm from the curb, and as such she has to pay £500+ in fines.
If she doesn't pay they are taking away her stuff, including her dog to sell at auction.
Beloved family pet taken away and sold against your will, because you can't pay an obscenely large fine, for the vicious crime of parking a few centimeters more than allowed from the curb, while getting a disabled man out of a car? Do we live in England or North Korea?
What is this country coming to?
Also, can I add, I'm not a violent person, but if someone knocked my door, demanding loads of cash or he'll sell my dog, for something like that, I'd chew his face off. And be well within my rights to do so.