VodkaOriginally Posted by Ephesians
Of course there will be no difference to the casual observer. To anyone who is seriously interested in the differences, they will be blatant, whether Christian or not. Oh, and I completely reject (as you would expect) the dismissal of logic and critical thinking. You need to read more
ok, try this one for size:
Southeast Asia Earthquake and Tsunami: Where was God?
and this: There is Too Much Evil and Suffering For God to Exist?
Thats odd, to me that proves god dosen't exist.
ie, he accepts its perfectly okay to kill many humans, just because he liked the idea of plate techtonics. Surely some kind of god would of had an idea that didn't involve that mass mansluater? (which is effectivly what that artical classifies it as)
or does that mean that manslaughter is ok, as long as its for a greater good?
Can i slaughter my neighbours so i can expand my land into their flat?
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
oh, here is a rebuttal of young earth creation from a Christian source:
Biblical Creation
God created a perfect earth. We messed it up and brought in corruption. It was never God's plan for anyone to die, to suffer, to be killed. We brought it on ourselves by choosing not to be with Him.
so, the earth is a mess.
It will be done away with, eventually, and peace/harmony restored, but it's up to us, insofar as Christ says he will return when his church is united etc etc.
In the meantime, God runs around trying to save as many people as will allow Him. And He is perfectly just.
of course you CAN (you have free will), but should you?Can i slaughter my neighbours so i can expand my land into their flat?
oh, no insult intended, thus the smiley. My point is that it is easy to jump to conclusions, but not healthy, so more reading is required to avoid embarrassment.
here's a source, albeit not specific to scientology: Nothing Unique About the Teachings of Jesus Christ?
and this one IS scientology specific: Probe Ministries - Scientology: Religion of the Stars
the last one summarised:
As a result, those who have not benefited from Scientology’s auditing process are possessed by a collection of dysfunctional thetans trying to control their every thought and action. Once cleared by Hubbard’s auditing, all the confusion supposedly disappears. There is more to this “history according to L. Ron Hubbard,” but it quickly becomes obvious that Scientology and its founder are teaching another gospel.
Either one can be saved via Hubbard’s auditing process, which promises to give people “total spiritual independence and serenity,” or we are saved by placing our faith in what Jesus Christ did on the cross, but not both.{7} Either we are divine-like beings who can overcome all our moral and mental deficiencies in the Church of Scientology, or we are creatures that were created “good” but are fallen due to rebellion against a holy God. To argue that the two systems are compatible doesn’t make much sense.
more available......
Last edited by fuddam; 26-03-2008 at 03:48 PM.
no contradiction. I could do anything to a new born baby but choose only to love it, etc etc.
to be ABLE to do anything and CHOOSING to not do something is not contradictory.He cant be both and dont use the free will rubbish.
he made you. what did you do about it? or anyone else in proximity to the man? each soldier involved chose to carry out those orders. at what point would you start / stop people doing things? after all, God says that to THINK something is the same as doing it, so should God stop you thinking? No facetious answer, please.Otherwise please explain how Saddam Hussein's free will was more important then the lives and slow suffering deaths of the 5000 odd kurds he gassed.
She doesn't stop their will, she stops their actions. It's up to us to stop the actions of the irresponsible, or would you deny our responsibility for our neighbour?A mother loves her children, and also wants them to have free will, however when one of them starts being nasty to the other, she stops them.
see: Probe Ministries - Scientology: Religion of the Stars as a better position than I have time to create. Briefly, it's man-made, and so is bollocks. Like ALL man-made religions. In fact, am not a fan of religion. Am a fan of truth. Always have been, always will be. Go on, that's just ripe for you to laugh, eh?Also, what are your thoughts on the validity of Scientology? You can't dismiss it without dismissing all of the shakey foundations that any organised religion is built on.
God is about truth. Nothing more or less. and the Truth will set you free......... hah!
Wooh, you've flipflopped faster than a CMOS D-Type.
that link, clearly stated why god made the disasters that resulted in people dieing necessary. You're saying those who died brought it on themselfs now?
What i'm saying is you can't have it both ways, it was not free will of man, that created plate techtonics, even now we don't begin to possess the technologies required to be blamed for that.
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
Read more what... the bible? No thanks, I think I get my fill of bronze age mythology directly from your posts. As it happens, I spend an awful lot of my time reading and the scope of my reading is quite varied. I have read a fair bit about and watched quite a few videos on Scientology and I was also indoctrinated into Christianity like every kid in the country so I think I have a reasonable understanding on both subjects, certainly far better than your understanding of evolution which you feel perfectly qualified to comment on.
If there are differences, I trust you will post them in clear language so that I can debate the matter with you properly. If you give me just another post of flowery nonsense about 'its all about the love' (I really take issue with you describing xtianity in this way considering that really, the whole thing is about fear, the fear of being judged, the fear of death and the fear of going to hell) I will not bother to respond, but if you can come up with something substantive I will remain engaged in this.
I just thought of another striking similarity between Scientology and other religions.
They both insist they are right and what they are telling you (no matter how insane) is the truth.
no flipflop/contradiction:
1) God made the world perfect, with no intention for anyone to suffer and die
2) there would therefore have been no disasters, death etc
3) we made it a mess, through our free will
4) God ALLOWS the mess to continue, just as He ALLOWS sin without being sinful Himself.
5) we pay the consequences of our sin
6) we can be freed from our sin
7) we can live in paradise for eternity
tell me, what is your conception of the ideal life on earth? To live in with all your needs catered for, no death / illness / violence, just life centred around meeting your every need?
Hedonism with altruistic overtones? Procreate and die?
Sounds............sad. No compassion, no sympathy, no need to focus on anyone else other than self.
Suffering brings us closer to each other, and closer to God. Like it or not.
anyway, that's just my assumption of your idealised life. presumably it's not that self-centred.
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