Wondering what other peoples' opinions on this are, i'm talking about how if you're after a new laptop or a new dvd player, etc as web users, most of you will probably go onto google and search for "------- reviews". A lot of the user reviews up there will discuss the various generic problems that they all seem to have, for instance a laptop might have a problem with a latch not functioning properly. But how much salt should you pinch when reading them?
It is, i think, reasonable to assume that most of the people posting reviews are going to be spurred on either by having an issue with the device or it working perfectly. And as a result, lots of people write reviews saying that the latch is faulty and more people sign up and agree with them.
But i was interested in how many are simply the result of this perverse viral advertising (if you will) and how many are actually true. Say you want to buy the DVD player that everyone says has a screwed laser, should you take the advice of the 200 forum goers that moan about it, or would you assume that they're merely a small user base who are more tech savvy and more likely to complain? And is it simply because all the problems are compacted into one site (and thus appear to apply to every unit) but don't really reflect the hundred thousand products that the company have actually shipped?