142 not too shabby
142 not too shabby
It's not even a real IQ test, there is no time limit on each question. I got 125.
Living and dying laughing and crying
Once you have seen it you will never be the same
Life in the fast lane is just how it seems
Hard and it is heavy dirty and mean
both russ & trash man are correct.
a typical IQ test relies on verbal reasoning - the ability to manipulate arbitrary spatial concepts, recognise patterns, a touch of plain old basic math & literacy. as a test it's not awful - though the questions are quite far on the simplistic side, and the lack of time limit makes results meaningless.
iq tests on the whole, if performed properly, can be valid (especially when performed at a young age before you can learn how to do well at these tests) in determining aptitude towards certain types of task. it has no bearing on, say, common sense (i've also seen some of the smartest people who have no grasp of reality), but i'd rather have a doctor operating on me who has a degree than who can't read the time on their watch.
call me elitist if you will.
That's so true...Originally Posted by Skii
Signatures are stupid
we cant all be above average can we? yet nobody is scoring less than 100, must be a load of carp!
yup, were a group of people who reason rather a lot, on the forums that is.Originally Posted by directhex
or, most of you are lying
Never a good test TBH as its biased in favour of those that have done them before.
Been a long long time since I've done one got 124
Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. which is keeping to my strengths
I know I sux at all the reading/writing stuff so i know I get a lot of the wordy
type stuff wrong.
Got to question 7 or something and got bored...wouldnt let me continue...
spose that gives me 0, although you get 45 without doing any thing...so I'll have 45...that'll do.
138. Wouldn't mind knowing the answers though, because I would have thought I answered everything correctly. *shrugs*
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