I have a job interview tomorrow! with Shropshire County Council, Childrens Centre Services for a Creche Leader. Am already working for SCC as a Creche Leader, but the difference is I am employed on sessional basis whereas this role is a contracted 35 hours a week for 51 weeks of the year and at £300 a week is fantastic money for someone working in Early Years.
Now am hopeing that doing this work already stands me in good stead, as it means that I won't need an induction or training, which will free up already stretched resources, and that my Creche Manager who I get on with like a house on fire will be on the interviewing panel. But I do know that there are 5 other candidates, so it really does depend on who I am up against and how good I can sell myself
( always been modest about my abilities, wouldn't of dreampt about applying for this if my Manager hadn't of said I should apply, but gonna have to try and overcome the confidence crisis )
Have been trying to block this out all day, now after a vodkie or several it's dawned on me that my interview is fast approaching. Been out today and bought new trousers, shoes and stuff even though I already own lots of trousers, shoes and stuff, but hey! appearance is something that will be noted whether they know me or not!
But then whatever the outcome the experience won't be wasted because I can ask for feedback and know how to improve for next time.
Still pretty daunting though not sure whether it's going to be a good thing being interviewed by someone I know well, as I know I can't be how I usually am with her!
Eeeek! and the other thing! what happens if I do actually get the flippin' job!
Mmm bedtime me thinks, or i'll be here all night pondering and over analyzing