Anyone that reads my comments on politics and/or the economic crisis will undoubtedly know my opinion of Gordon Brown's skills, or lack thereof, as an economist and Chancellor. But I really can't conceive of how someone so apparently politically inept ever rose so far. I mean, there are some people that seem to have trouble putting their shoes on without kicking themselves in the butt, and Brown seems to be the political equivalent. I've reached the point where I've decided he'd have trouble finding his own backside with both hands and a bloodhound.
I won't go though all the goofs, but a couple are worth remembering. Firstly, the 10p tax band abolition. Did he not realise the effects on the lowest paid, or did he just think he wouldn't get caught? Considering how brief his stint in the top job is, there seems to be a litany of such goofs.
But most recently, two things :-
1) E-mail gate.
Gordon, if you want to pull the fangs of such a farce when it turns out your personally recruited staff have got so publicly caught, the worst thing you can do is to drag out saying sorry for a week, so that by the time you do, not only has the damage already been done, but it looks mealy-mouthed and horribly insincere because it had to be dragged out of you.
No, Gordy Ol' Mucker, you pre-empt things by firing the bloke that dropped you in it, not letting him quit, and you get right out there and apologise for the things being done in your name, as quickly and sincerely as you can. That way, you don't have a week's worth of headlines moaning that you don't know the meaning of the word. It's all about perception, my boy.
2) MPs expenses.
We all understand that having several of your senior ministers being so publicly exposed as appearing to have their noses firmly embedded in the trough is embarrassing, but when you say in Parliament that you need to wait for yet another of your committees to report, and then announce a u-turn via YouTube (and a vid on the No.10 website), you're going to manage to offend just about everyone.
We all know you want to be seen to be doing something, to be in control, to "own" the problem and ride in, on your white charger, to save "the worl ...." sorry, MPs, from ridicule. But all the smirking and smiling made it look like you were telling gags at the Christmas staff party, and the electorate don't see MPs feathering their nests as that funny.
And by trying to present your proposals as a fait accompli you pretty much guaranteed the Tories and LibDems would scupper you if they can. You should have got them on-board first, not tried to make political capital of it for yourself.
Oh, and by letting your own back-benchers find out your proposals for their expenses via a vidcast, rather than the rather more courteous method of a dignified statement to the House, you offended them too.
3) I'm not even going into the piece of political dishonesty he had the temerity to dress up as a budget.
Still, I don't think you've upset the No.10 cat yet ..... assuming he does still come home at night and hasn't walked out on you???
Oh, and the rats (or the four-legged ones) might not have jumped ship yet, but I'd keep an eye on your partymates if I were you ..... especially those in marginal seats. When desperation sets in, they might start searching for a convenient back to stick a knife into.
Gordon, I didn't think my opinion of you could drop much more before recent events but, well, congrat's mate, you've managed to surprise and astonish me with the level of your political ineptitude. Believe me, that's an achievement.