EDIT: pringles


"A vote on Tuesday by the French National Assembly to restrict file sharers and illegal downloaders internet access has given hope to copyright pressure groups across the Channel that similar measures will soon be adopted in the UK."

what a bunch of losers.... + i remember taping the top 40 on the radio when i was a kid, and the was just the same as "illegal file sharing"..

and for anyone who thinks they are whiter then white when it comes to copyright, i can almost be sure that everyone reading this from the UK will have broken copyright laws at some point in there lives. IE it IS illegal to record from the TV onto VHS or V+ / Sky+ and watch the playback more than once or in the case of v+/sky+ make a backup.

another example of why politicians are morons. what do they think will happen, the file shares that are banned are just gonna steal wifi as well as files...
