Dunno if this is the right place to put this but it can go here anyway, move if you want...
Something that happened in irc:
[01:22:38] <*******> http://quantex.---------------------...enny_drunk.avi <--- LOOOOOOOOOL!!!
[01:22:38] ******* (*****@******) Quit (Killed (*.quakenet.org (You are violating QuakeNet rules. Please read http://www.quakenet.org/rules/. ID: *******)))
directhex, the cleaver git, says its bloodhound.exploit.6, so dont use IE for any sites that you dont now if there safe. I will quickly change mirc to open opera instead as this is my main broswer anyway.
Yes, me has just clicky the link and probably infected, yet to notice any effects of it though, and Ive looked the usuall places...
Note this is the first one Ive got in years and its my own fault, Im not going to use a antivirus app still, never will as they make too many problems and only solve one.
Luckly seems im not infected, only infected if C:\foo.mhtml exsists apparently.