So, the Daily Mail has been known to attract the utter idiots of the Unted Kingdom to their website in the masses, but it's a shame because they are one of a few news websites that produce so many internet article on a daily basis.
But the comments below the articles baffle me, and to think that people actually think that their opinions are "right" and what's worse, the MAJORITY of the craziest comments you have ever read are positive (the little green arrow thing like YouTube), but not 5 or 6, but 500 or 600 clicks!
Take one article I have just been reading.
So, naked Brooke Sheilds at 10, big deal?, no not really, nothing bad IMO, what you going to do about Nudiest Beaches with families of all ages then? Make them all illegal?
But the comments are actually ROFL status, and supported in the hundreds, one of them.
So one women, in Devon, is stating that every adult man in the UK will become or is already a peadophile because they see a naked girl, LOL. Have these people not been to beaches or waterparks before? They are two places that you will see children of all ages in the nude.Oh.My.God. And we wonder why adult men want to get with CHILDREN!!!! Whether its in a night club, on the internet or an art gallery. Stop giving the perverted creeps images, it's brainwashing them to think it's okay.
And it's the whole website filled with crap like that, and one of the comments states that this is the problem of the, wait for it...
Labour Party.