At work, we've had two laser printers die on us in quick succession, with a load of toner cartridges in there at the time - they were both HP 2550n laserjets.
So as a result, I've got a few bits spare from them -
Two bolt-on 500 page expansion trays, about £125 new
5 cartridges with 30-75% remaining ink in each, about £60 each new
1 imaging drum over 90% full, about £160 new
I've been given the all clear to sell them, so do you reckon it's worth the hassle?
I've looked on eBay, but it's either completely empty or completely full on there - no surprise I guess. So I've got no idea whether there's a genuine market for these types of things.
The printer must be quite old as well, which can't help.