Hi All,
Just a quick request for some assistance, or rathger vigilance, from all the lovely hexites. Unfortunately I was broken into over the holiday. Fortunately, very little was taken, and nothing that we were desperately upset about, but a few electronics were half-inched and I'd really appreciate it if you could all keep half an eye out and let me know if you see someone on the interwebs (ebay, other tech forums, etc.) selling a collection of items including the following:
HP TC1100, 1GHz Pentium M, 512MB RAM, no keyboard or docking station (idiots left those behind )
Acer Aspire 5050, 2GHz Turion 64, 2GB RAM
Sony Vaio BX series, 2.2GHz Core 2 Duo Mobile, 1GB RAM
26" LCD Television.
Obviously individually those items could turn up anywhere, but if they all turned up from one seller it'd be mighty suspicious and I'd appreciate it if you could drop me a PM with the details of the sale so I can pass them along to the police.
Just to make it plain, this isn't a desperate fish for sympathy - while it's obviously not nice to have been broken into we really haven't lost anything we can't do without. However the electronics taken would make a fairly distinctive collection if they hit the market together / from one seller and I'd like nothing more than to get some link to the gits who did it!
Many thanks for your time, ladies and gents