Madduck, my comments were directed at Blitzen who seems to be launching an attack on Nibblers request and reasons by comparing it to money spent on war.
I do not agree with war in general, I accept it happens, but I dont like it and I dont want any part of it. If more money was poured into education all over the world, then perhaps we would have less of it, who knows, i certainly don't.
However, Britain's leaders and their allies seem to want to pick and choose who they go to war with, when it benefits them. If we are so staunch on human rights then why are we not declaring no fly zones over China, why has the blood diamond situation not been stamped out, why are south american and central american cartels controlling peoples lives by force?
Blitzen bringing this into a discussion over Education in this country and making a personal attack on Nibblers post annoys me greatly, especially when his argument is all about an unrelated subject.